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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  October 9, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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it police call torture."this is one of the worsttcases we've seen especially for child to survive it." how a wommn used super glue to punnsh hee 2- yeer old daughter. -------------------------------- &p-------------------i'm bii bid bird a battle over big bird. why the rrad to the whiie house.... might go thrrugh sesame streee. -------------------------------- p-------------------- just a when the drizzle mmvessout.. . - p------------------------------- ----------------------- and saving your carpet. thh best cleaner for getting out pesky stains. we've learned a baltimore police officer nder inveetigation for his suspected involveeent in the &pmurder case of a 13-year-old ggrl has been cleared of any wr. joins us... -
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with a sttry... you're seeing seeingfirst on fox tonight... k? keeth? jeff...... the city state's attorney's office made that decision n august.. but released the news oday.. only after we called foolowing up on the investigation. nd tonight. .according to cllar an officerr. and the pleased. 33 david wright is the uncle who found his niece shot and killed in an alley in east pand all iicouud do was put the bag back down softly, cause my heart ws broken immediately."ááá)......later, wright and ooher family members learnedda baltimooe out of the eastern distriit, - would be under innestigaaion for his suspected involvementt in the march murder of 13-year-old monea tuunage. but noo....proseeutors at the city state's ttorney's office say ward will nottface criminal charges.... saying in a just released statement.. "there's insufficient evidence to file charres...a decision that's rocked wright's support
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of city police......(wright) "now understand me clearly, every officer isn't bad. very officer isn't guiltt, but there's a great number of them who are.. they areeguilty ann they do a lot f things, but streets and they want respect never going to get it, never going to get it bbcause it's so mmch againss them." killing monea........ward ad been suspenned and nderr investigation.. after police girl in the truuk of ward's girl's bodyyin the back of a home.. covered with trash bags. there were also accusations that the officerrplayed a roll in a possible cover up and may hhve advised the boys on how to haadle the situatton. sources also say ward was the suspects. stiil,,ann officer under suspicion.. is cleared oofany riminal wrongdoing.(wright) "to me, i'm suspicious of him and everyone else in the family iss &palso.. and i don't think ttat
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he hould have got off so easily.." tonight, prosecutors say the police department will have to decide whether ward will face administrative charges. live in downtown baltimore, keith daniels, foxx 45 news at ten. former penn state coach jerry sandusky learns his fate this m. morning. pennsylvvnia courthouse in t a handcuffs todaa, sentenced to áat leastá 30 years n prison for ssxually abusingg10 boys over a fifteen year period. after listening to three off his victims readdemotional statements, sandusky addressed the judge... ooce again ddnying that he did anything sympathy ...caaling his statement a masterpiece of sslf-ddlusion. mcgettigan says: "completely untethered from reality and without any accepttnce of entireey self focused, as if pe again were tte was in shortt ridiculous." 3
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amendola says: "jerry never flinched from his position that he was innocent and that he wanted to the opportunity to prove his innocence." innocence." sandusky was convicted on 45 counts of child sex abuse back say thee plan to appeal... - claiming an acquittal was possible had they had more time to prepare. man... is... d killed.../ &ptryiin... to... help... nothhr motorist... motorist... &p itt.. happened... on... &pp--84... in.. hartford, connecticut.... monday...///. police... say... the victim --/ 3--year ood... richard heron - - was... poing... to... his... two ssns... / when... he stopped... to elp... a woman... whose... s-u-v ... rolled over...///. &ppolice... say... he... jumped... over a barrier... to... avoid... an... oncoming traator trailer.../ p . unawwre ... ii... waa aa35 foot... drop...// "my brother and my father bbth thought they were goong to gett jersey wall and my dad flipped ann kept on going down". &pdown". "he had a lot of injuriess a lot of injuries nd he was in so much pain and t's hard to see your dad like thht". ttat". heron's fammiy... says he survived the fall,.../
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but later died at the hospital..../// shut down traffic... on... 95... n... harrord couuty for 7 ours....///you... can see ...thh tanker truck... on its open...///.this... is... just before... the tydings bridge.../ about... 8 this morning...//..he .... truck ...spilled about... 35-hunnred galloos ... there were only... minor injuriis. into the susquehanna... leaked - a maryland lawmaker as pledd guiltyyto misconduct in office law office 80 dollars in state oney... and using campaign money to pay for wedding expenses. exppnses.the plea is part of a deal delegate tiffany alston madeeto settle the two separatt cases.alston was sentenced to one year in jail with all the time suspended. she will serve three years of supprvised probation, 300 hours of community service and pay the money back to he 3& a... fox 455.. inveetigation... uncovers... how... donated cars... end--uu... in... the hhnds of criminals...//. problem... p is .... the nnme... on thee title... isn'' and... justice reporter oy
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battle ... for... one / couple.../ trying... po... dd something nice. 3 one... that angela cobb and et her husband donated. 10019:366 it idn't make seese to trash the car someene ould use it. so we said we woull donate it. thee turned to kars 4 kids... a national organization with local ties. withii weekss an offfcial receipt arrived in &pthe mail. a done deal... or so the cobbs hought. 10:21:40 she said we sugguest you just pay the fine. stand up it's heee along the 29 hundred block of belmont avenue where angela's car ended uu months after she had dooated it. it was ticketed for having fake temporary tags. and angela's been receiving fines ever since.(ccbb) 10:27:50 you woold like to think at some point somebody would say i'll take ownershippof this problem. (butt bite/cover edit please)
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10::8:05 and we'll make it right not asking ffrranything special just make it right. eventhough kars 4 kids wassnow liable for the caa... thee pitle didn't reflect it. so when the vin number was run... ittcame back to the cobbs. 13;44:33 a llt of organizations arr holesaler and as a wholesaler they do nno need to take oonership of the vehicle. it's ooly after the organizaaion sells the car thaa the title is re-assigned. but that diin't happen in this case.10:27733 it's frustrating it's disappointing while kars 4 kids is adament the cobbs are not divisiin doesn't agree. that 32 dollar paakinn ticket has somebody made a mistake i wass not my error. as for how the cobbs donated car nded up on belmont avenue to begin with? kaas 4 kids isn't saying.... we do know....thee matter is under investigaaion. in bbltimore city joy lepola fox 45 news at ten. besides... ticketing ...the car, .../ the...
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city... mpounded .../ and....ssld it!!! the ... 600---dollars... went fines..../ thee.. parkinn ticket... was áánotáá covered. 33 the... important gamm... tomorrow ttmorrow...and mayor stephaaie &prawling blake wants to ake sure nee york... know's who is seriesto win the series she will be holding a rally at city hall...tomorrow morning &pat 10 cheer the o's to victory another late fiiish for the orioles ast night but they got he job donee. bbating tte yankees 3-2 to even the series at one game. game.morgan... adsit.../ &p from... the... big apple... preview.../ of... what to expect ... from... game thhee ...night... morgan. 3
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33 3 3 "the math ssyou have to win 3 or lose 3, so i think you'd but, it'' one win closer to ut 3 winning three. you know we pgt through texas knowing we had to win 11 games and hard."n out winning three, is &p while baltimore is gettiig
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ready for the biggest game of phe year... 16 yearssago today we were cursing the namm of a &p12-year old boy. jeffrey maier. maier.llt's... octobee ninth,1996. tte playoffs... o's vs. yankees.../ derek jeter... hits a ball deep../ tony tarasco... ready to catch it.../ but... jeffrey maier... rracces out... from catches the baal instead...///. the... umpiies... call it... a... p homeerun...// even...
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though after sloww you... an see maierr.. inteefeee....// the... four games to one...../ and... the orioles... went... into a tailspinn./ to ...postseason play... until now. baltimore's ties... to thh - poes... baak... much farther.. than that series. series.meliinda roeder shoos us hoo those ties....go back to the beginning of the modernn err of baseball 3 (from sunday) 16:02:21 - nats of beeping at turnstiles(from sunday) 16:14:143 "post season sscre cards here!"(from sunddy) 16:22:10 "go oos, hon!" the orioles may not used to so much fanfare in october. but they are facing verr familiar foes.(from monday, roonie's stuff) 14:21:42 "readdthe sign, yo!! yankees fans flocked to theirrteam take on the birds. (from sunday) 15::4:27 it's a new season. this is derek jeter time, see."in many ways - it felt ike a meeting between old friends. reliving the good old days.14:17:29 "reminds me of the oriole magic of ears gone by. absolutely."the last time these teams met in the pould forget gameeone???? 16
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years ago today... when a valuable player.interfering - with a catchable fll ball - --called a home run.(from 14:18:22 "i still remember the jeffrey maeirrhomeeun." 14:38:04 (from sundayy "jeffrey maeir ssole our innocence."(todaa)11:51:43 pthat's a story that willlgo down... the great blown caals offall historians love to point out rivals.goong back more than a - centuuy. when half of the baltimore orioles eam was later become the yankees. (today) 11:48:40 "it's a semi compplx sory."standdp: and prony thht the most legenddry here in baltimore.(today) 11:47:21 "baltimoreans have always grappled with the museum sees a spike in ttendance whenever the yankkes ccme to town.but ironically... the babe's greatest record - for home runs hht in one season - ffll, or was at least tied - here in town roger maris - who hht #59 agaannt the orioless ((oday) 1:49:32 "iits just &panother quirky link ttat brings us together with the yankees..there haae been
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from players...(todaa- 11:52 "one of thh great orioles of all time has been broadcasting yankees baseball managers.....(from monday) 14:42:00 "i know, of course, that showalter .. and eventuallyyshowed up in &p14:36:45 "ohhsure. good guy, good man. ... he knows what he's doing."now - looking back.... it may seee the o's wrrng side of today - remember how that 1996 series played out....(from four."(from monday) 14:18:33 "so i wanna get back aa the yaakees for that." whether weekk.... is a question to be annwered thissweekk... in the bronx.(today) 11:54:23 "tte pest baseball rivalry in the american llague... best of all time."melinda rooder - ox 45 nnes at ten. &pp3 3& an attorney... punched square in the faae. the worrs that set is client ten wall street or big bbrd????? its a question many political critics are asking... you why one presidennial campaign is rufflingg feathers....
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barnhill: you hear a lot of talk about question seven... so let me tell you what i know: if question seven passes, my company's going to... bring table games, like blackjack and poker... right here to baltimore. a twenty-five million dollar investment... that'll create five hundred new jobs. all right here. today, marylanders are spending $500 million gaming... in other states. let's keep it here. i'm chad barnhill, and we're ready to build right here.
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we're ready, and it's real. and all that has to happen... is question seven. a teenager is found murdered
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in northwest baltimmrr late sunday night. night..hjee hhrrod was found ssot in the head on faiilawn road.harrod was 16 years old. she is from east ballimore, but was listed as a runaway donny moses, baltimore pd: 26.10 "she does have a bit of a hhstory with tte altimore criminal justice system. we don't beliive that this was a r" robbery."if you have informatioo on her murder, you're urged o call baltimore city police. homiciie count in baltimore city...we're up to 171 confirmed murders.last year at this time.... we were at 160 homicides. a... federal trial... is underway,.../ between ... perdue farms... and... &penvironmentaliits.../// at... the
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&pcenter... of the lawsuit.../ pollution... chesapeakk...//. janice live... downtown .../// and... tells us.../ the... deeision... coold havv... a... &phuge impact... on... family farms..... p all... over maryland.../ and beyond....// janice? janice?we are live outside f federal district coorthouse...wherr earrier today, enviromenttl groups were prrtesting.this is something governor martin o'malley has even commented on... he called this a waste of taypaxer money...and he also had sympathy... ffrm also named in this aiiy - lawsuit.envirrnmental groups salisbury-based perdue is re - being sued for not storing chicken manure properly... waterways near one oo the company's contracted farms are polluted...but there are many questtons about the source of the pollution.also on the lawsuit, is family run udson farr, who raised cciccens for pprdue on the eastern hore. giants hould be held responsible forrpollution by their contract growers. "this is a very important
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case, in the end if successful, perdue and intergraterr like tyson will be held responsible" the governor also pointed out...that even if this family farm...the hudsons win this case...the legal fees from thii trial could baakrrpt in downtown baltimorr, jp fox45 news at several new polls hooing the race forrthe whiteehouse is very different from what it appeared to be just a week ago. ago.the reaa-cllar-politics áaverageá of polls now shows pepublican nominee mitt romney áleadingá president baracc obama... by a little less than a point pointmany of the polls... just now refllcting the full effect of romney's peeformance in tte debate...2 of the pollss.. the oldest... show obama ahead...3 of the polls show romney ahead. 1 shows a tti. seeame street or wall street???????its the quustion many critics are assing about
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president obama's latest campai. karee parks jjins us now and this campaign.....the presiient uses big bird to mock mitt romney.....karen? karee? the campaign ad shown here......sarcasticallyylinks admitted ponzi scheme operator bernie madoff and ex enron ceo keeneth lly..... in respose to mitt funding to pbs.... some political annlysts say......its insulting to voters.......whhle others don't pick a fight with big birdd... bird.... 3 (30:48)we didn'' know bbggbird was driving the federal deficit........ere at a baltimore radio stttion...... (nats oo ad)its a campaign prrsiiential election boiled down to whether or not you're for big bird or noo......obama for america v released this ccmpaign ad.....using big bird to mock mitt romneyyfor
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proposiig funding cuts to pbs during last week's debate.....hoping to reduce the nations trillion dollar deficit.......(31:44)while we are talkinggabout 20 percent of the budget which is where the pbs money is in 80 percent of the budget is dealing with security...ddfense...we don't &ptalk about the big parts that's my wholl point..... (nats......hold for about 10 sec)(10:07)what this add really says abbut the voters psshow simple the voters are....john dede a pplitical people get connused by dodd frann people get confused by financial regulation reforn but big bird everyone understands...... romney also added during the debate........even though he would cut funding to pbs.......he added....."i like pbs.....i like big birr"... loser offlast week's debate
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has used that comment as a laugh line at recent campaiin eventt........(10:51)when someone brags about getting rid of big birddann getttng rid oo public teleeision its looked aa like what is thii guy thinking....(nats offad) (covvr this bite)(12:04)for after puulic television and dems immmdiatelyyrespond you are declaring war agianst sesame street. &p3 sesame workshop released this ssatement ttday that says... "we hhve pproved no campaign ads nd as is our general practice have reeuested that the ad beetaken down.. that brings us to our question of the day. do political ad is effective?et" effective?this questton... like the comment duriig the debate... strrck a nerve... more than 150 of you posted comments...join the discussion... it's sstll going on right now.go to facebook dot com slash fox-balttmore
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seems... some peoppe.../ are... already... casting votes... between... big birdd.. / mitt romney... with their walllts and... "sesame street live"... were ssheduled to appear... at... phe... -s... cellular centee... in... asheville, nooth carolina today... and tomorrow.../ was scheduled appear thursday....//thingg.. p is...the promoter... cancelled... its sesame street live... shows.../...because ... of... poor ticket sales. "i would support big bird over " romney." "i'm not a big bird fan... i don't have any little kids so i don't care about it." it." center ddrecttr... sam powers ...ssys... ticket saless.. were sparse../. ... the promoter... claims the tour... was e-routed... &pwithout romney... on their radar. there may be a shakeup at the obama campaign headquarters... read that tory by going to fox-baltimore dot on vote 2012 in the hot topics screen
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10:24 pm fghting back in baltimore...after the breaa
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they've stopped armed robberies in prrgress...and are never far awayywhen gun shots ring's a group called the midtown benefits dis/ ddstrict...// they... se... off duty patrolling... late ...intt the niiht,.../ segwaas...//. in... tonight's cover story.../, janice park... shows
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us ... hhw... this group on wheelss../ wheels.../ is... fightiig back. back. in a section of the city that pever seems to sleep... sleep..."it's a very ssenic attraction, everything's palking distance it's very diverse, you never know what you're going to see"amid the chatter of these thh ound of segwayss..wheels &ppulsing, glittering through midtown:r of baltimore's midtow: "it's a eally cool feeling ride ootside of restaurants, wave at ya, and clap say thanks for being out there" there" "normally we don't have an issue with oneeway traffic" traffic""usually we're looking for things out of the ordinary" orrinnry"""hatever's normal, 3"not yet, it's still early in the evvninn"so who are these men on segways??hey're ordinary citizens, a eal estateedeveloper...a historic preservationist....hh all want home..give thhm ome peace of &pmind"they meet 3 nights a wee at theebelvedere hotel...ready to patrol the streets until
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oh, and they're all morning. voounteers, accompanied by two off duty officers: officers: "that's vvry generouu, it does surprise me, that's awesome" awesome""ww've seen, haha, have:"there's aacouple of situa" situations""stopping an armed robbery in progress"&site of fi of a near shooting" shooting""it's tremendous, people see us, people jjst hangiig out, loittring, they know what's going to happen they just move they know what's going to happen"no ccime is oo big or too small for the's steve shin, checking in on a local clock maker...who's working a little late tonight: tonight:and they're sooquick,
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pe had trouble keeping up with them: "watching out for people -walk home lateethat type of thing" thing""ooten we're lookinn for people alone, women, needing an escort back to heir car" car" pwe do know some people who supply the drug trade in the area, the numbers hhve gone down but people are ngaggd her" here" if you questton the groups only need to look statistics...since they began their patrols in 2009...vvilent crimes as a direct result have ggne ddwn more than 40 %%in the area... aree..."very appreciative, you can risk yoor life, i don't think i coull do it myselff myself"and while the crime may
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be decreasing, the passion to take back their treets never w. will..ww are proud of the work we've done, i think we're a model for the rest of the ity and country for theework we've " dooe""i love mt. vernon"jannce park...fox45 news at ten. it's... easy to poin... the....miitown benefits district.../ district.../ they meett 3 a car crashes into aa convenience store.... what happened to a store clerk in the way... and the reason this surveillancc video is so impprtanttto police. 3 thh student came up to me ann pushed me out of the waa and 3psaid what are you recording..& a student bullied ffr -speakit caught on camera whhle a teenn wws speakinn to a local tv crew. 3 3
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it's heavy lifting. senator named ben. by getting bwi-marshall funding for new runways, he's helping us serve 21 million passengers a year, which helps keep 100,000 jobs that depend on the airport, and that means more cargo for more businesses and more skycaps unloading more taxis... welcome to bwi. ...carrying families with more luggage. thanks. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approve this message. as a pastor, my support for question 6 is rooted in my belief that the government should treat everyone equally. i would not want someone denying my rights based upon their religious views, therefore i should not deny others based upon mine. it's about fairness. this law does not force any church to perform a same sex marriage if it's against their beliefs. and that's what this is about. protecting religious freedom and protecting all marylanders
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equally under the law. join me in voting for question 6. north korea...
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&pclaims... to... ave missiles... that can reech... thee.. american / mainland...// the.... latestt threat... from pyongyang -- / this... after... a recent agreement ... between washington ...and... south korea --/ to... extend the range... oo... seoul's... ballistic missiles....//. the... state department,.../ today's claimm... from.... pyong--yang:.../// north... kooea's... foreign minister....
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plaaed... the blame... on... the... united states.../// a california man is under arrest, acccsed of driving his pickup truck into a liquor store. surveillance video cappured caused wwen a wall of iquor - fell ooto a stooe clerk. the in the acccdent. police say rt 3 the driver left the ssene moments afterrthe crash. but clearrsurveillance video helped officers track him down a... ffeddrick county... high schooler.../ trying to speak out... against bbllying/... camera.that's... . preston deener... in the white shirt.../ running... away... from the boy... in the dark shirt..../. &pright... befor &pdeener was preparing... to be iiterriewed... three boys... approached him../.ooee.. hit... him in the head....//preston... says....he's been bullied...///.last week... ...he says he fought backk. / and... got suspended for three ddys...//. the... school's... investtgaaing. the student tackled me- and i
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responded by ppnching back tt staad up for myself for the first time. a ffll investigatioo is number one. that'' step number one, to find out wwat happened, and we'll go from there. the school ... to identiff... the students involved. a... publlc defender... ttkes... a... shot... to... thh face.../ after... his client... learns hisssentence. sentence. 30 year old... lamaacuss williamson... is... in... the... orange jumpsuit..../// he... pled... guilty... to robbery,.../ drug and assault charges.../ and... the judge... gaveehim... 15---years...///. even... with the hhndcuffs, .../ and... decks... his attorney... sending him... to the flooo. additional... six months... for contempt of court.../ and... could... face assault charges... for... decking his attorney. 3 "i can't ullimately answer wwy know ii's a pretty volatile, courttitself can bee retty volatile." williamson... goo... an... adddtional... six months... for contempp of court.../ and... charges... ace assault for... deccing his aatorney.
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3 3 3 3 3 p, 3
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"when i thinn about the time involved inn hht, and whatt that scene must have looked a mother calls ittparenttng. police call it torture. how a woman uuee super glue to punish her 2-year old ddughter. (expert)"the cases have a range and some oo them are hosp" hospitalized" the meningitis outbreak continues to grow. why experts are worried abouu more cases ... and ho could be held responsible for the infections. ... and ho could be held responsible for the infections. oh, please don't call me "pumpkin." no, that's white chocolate and pumpkin. oh. pumpkin. ha ha! you've never tasted pumpkin like this. try new pumpkin white chocolate or pumpkin mocha coffees and lattes today.
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from this west virginia casino. they want marylanders to keep coming to west virginia... casinos like theirs. spending one hundred seventy million a year. question seven will keep those dollars at home. with a limited expansion of gaming that will mean... hundreds of millions for schools in the baltimore area... and across the state... according to the department of legislative services. and with independent audits required by law... question seven means millions for maryland schools. guaranteed. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. nationwide...///:
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the... umber of peopll... sickened by... a... deadly ...meningitis outbreak... has... nnw reached... 119../. incllding ... 11 deaths....// new... numbers ... frrm maryland...// .../// where .... - there... are... áeightá confirmed cases... and... one death reeorted...///. kathleen... cairns...tells us why we could be seeing more comes......for wweks toocome frommpatients stories: (liia tibbs) " i literally felt like i was dying"to new statistics: (expert)md has eight cases of the infection"seven clinics in maryland used the taiited recalled, exposing hundreds of patientt tt the possibility f fungal meningitis. (cairns)"complicating this caseeeven more health experts now say theeincubbtion period may be longer then 4 weeks so people exposed to this ay not have any symptoms of peningitis until well after the time they were expose"
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(expert)"were worried about additional cases ecause of the incubation period and at this time we dont have an upper limit for how llng ppople could be incubating.. most cases have een up to 4 peeks after.. but we do have concerns it could be longer." studies it... the legal arena debates it. (ffr shot)"well how did it happen????"product liability attorney briggs bedigiin says the compoundiig manufacttrer may have never tested the product before it was hipped outt "unfortunately these compounding companies are not drug companies they are not causes of action brought s - will be done on an individual pasis and not a class basis because everybodys damages are different everybody is going to be effecttd differently by this.. " but says tte legal fight may take yearss (side shot)"this wiil not be resolved quiccly"in balt co kc fox 45 news aa 10 pptients... who've... been tested... for to... wait... ssveral .. - pays.... to... get the results... from the aamother in dallas admmts she
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beet her two-year-old daughter, and glued her hhnds to a wall. the graphic pictures were shhwn in the a pediatrician testified about the horrible case of child was in a coma when she was o brought into the hospital. --not expected tt live.experts call it torture. when i thiik about the time frame that would have been rrquired to glue her to the infllct injury on almost every flat surface on her bodyypull her hair out. belly injuries. hair injuries.when i think about &pthe time involved in that. an what that scene must have lookee like it's ooerwhelmmngg overwhelming. prosecutors say elizabeth escalano, beat her little girl over a potty training incident. they want her sent tooprison for 45 years. congress is warning american &pcompanies to stay away from
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two chinnse teleccm vendors. vendors. as... carrie peirce... reports... in... tonights word n the web./ web...// much... abouttmoney --/ as... national security. security. 3 china's leading technology firms could be a threat to the u.s. 3 3that's the connlusion by the after a yearrlong investigation.the committee amount of informatiin the two coopanies provided about their pperations in the u-s.rupp and evasive ressonses we receivee by both companies thhoughout the entire investigation..theecommittee has no proof of any claims the companies could be - allowing theechinese government to gather intelligenne on everything to military secrets..ogers: "we do not have the confidence that these two companies wwth pheir ties to the chinese government can be entrusted with infrastructtre of such critical importance." the committee is urginggamerican companies, as well as u.s. government systems and contractors, to find other
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&pvendors. but a spokesman for report comes down to politics. concerns that the committee or the state, the government of - another state, or vice versa has nnthiig to do with my company, and my comppny should not be held hostage to someone's political genda." 3 the ther chinese company naaed by the committee also controlled by the chinese anddthats your word on the web. &p the o's...the yankees... tomorrow night... in tte bronx pe'll take you live to new york city.....when we come back ...and...the cleaner... that is best... at getting stains off theefloor... after the break 3 &pin june 1983: 900,000. the -
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roar. the gdp grew at a ng to - staggering 9.3% rate.the second biggest gaii was last month: 873,000. this follows losses of 195,000 in ull and 119,000 ii august. and gdp is growing at a dismal 1.3% -- less than the rate off population growth. unbelievable, huh?in its august uemployment report based on interviees oo 30,000 adults, gallup hinted that if the official unemployment rate didn't increase then someone like the wwite house has a new cook.for sake of argument, number is correct. onth's septembbr'ss7.8% unemployyent rate is similar to when obama took office at 7.6%. the nummer of employed is nearly phe same at bout 155 million. although full-time employment is way down than in 2009. for increased by 581,000 lastt month alone while full-time
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jobs decreassd by 216,000. here's the big change: since 2009, nearly 8 million people have been moved from thh "unemployed" category to "nott in the labor force." although they don't have jobs they're not counted as unemployed. if they were tten the official unemploymenn rateewould be 13%. for more on ttis story visit behind the headlines dot nee. and follow us twitter and facebook. i'm mark hyman. kw@ after all the tensioo and
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drama of thh first twoniggts of the american league ddvision series between the orioles and yankees, it's kind of nice to have a night off,,, the orioles and yankees are now in new york, their division series tied at a game piece... they get back after it tomorrow night at yankee stadium, and that's here we find our morgan adsit tonight.,. tonight.,.. 3 sottrollcue..." (adlib toss)
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we'll have another visit from morgan..johnnharbaugh talks about getting terrell suggs's all coming uppat 11:33 as sports unnimited continues connumer reports has cleaned up hundreds of stains to uncover theebest all-purpose cl. cleaner.tom rodgers ... shows us ... which... cleaners... did the bbst... in... the... "mess test".../ and... whether ...they... live up to the claims. 3 ((tom on cam))t-v commercials make gleaming promiies about commercial)"why spend hundreds of dollars a year on countless household cleaners?" chyron:tv ""ot all cleaners are creattd equall"(v/o)consumer reports
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cut through the hype by conducting tough tests on 19 all-purpose cleaners, clorox, lyyol, and pine-sol. testers slather tiles with stubborn staiis ike grape puice, mustard, ketchup, and grease. they also spray a soap scum residue on bathroom tiles. then the cleaners are applied as ireeted. (sot) &p"most say you juss sppay them on and wipe. othees are a little bit mmre labor intensive. you have to apply themmand tten rinse them off." (v/o)theetiles are then placed in this scrubbing machine. it gives eaah tile the same number of swipes with a paper &ptowwl. soom cleaners worked betttrrthan others. the cleaner used on the right tile left more of the grape juice surfaces overnight to mimic an unnoticed spill. some marred a problem with your kitchen or bathroom faucets. (sot: celia lehhman)"we found in our tests that wwih conveniince came a little less cleaning power. none of the sprays excelled at cleaning all the stains." (v/o) after scrubbing more than 500 tiles, onlyyonn cleanerrdid
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well enough to be reeommended - pine-sol original. it's nnt ps easy oouse as a spray. but by a wide margin. ((tom on s use a spraa, consumer reports says your best option is seventh ggneration natural alll purpose. tom rodgers, fox45 news at ten. she may be thh cuteet kitten from a dannerous ...and coming up in justt5 pinutes on the late dition... edition... common sense says, this is no way to go. how a bug eating life. sneeze, snneze, sneeze sneeze ppus gee this p puppy witt thh sniffles became famous overnight.
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it's heavy lifting. you start with a democratic senator named ben. by getting bwi-marshall funding for new runways, he's helping us serve 21 million passengers a year, which helps keep 100,000 jobs that depend on the airport, and that means more cargo for more businesses and more skycaps unloading more taxis... welcome to bwi. ...carrying families with more luggage. thanks. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approve this message. holiddy hiirng.four things you
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the top of the pile... me to - tomorrow on for... one... bellsville man...../ car... trouble... turns into... a.. rescue mission .... 3 no those are not mechaniis..... theyyre p-g county firefighters who were called in to help after the driver of thhs carrheard unusual sounds coming fromm under the ood.turns out.... it was a three week old
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kitten... whoohitched a ride. 3 26-32"i kept hearing chirping underrthe hhoo... and i drove a little bit and i drrve some more and i said cat.""iq: we eterminnd we need a jack.... oq: backee into a corner." 3 45 inutes later... he kitten ccecked out by aavet and is doing well.... next step is to find her a home. 3 3 welcome... to... the late ediiion,.../// i'm jeff bar. barnd. &paad i'm jennifer gilbert. gilbert.a teenage runaway is murdered and left to bleed out in the middle of a baltimore st. tells uss.. her sler... - murder... is... teen deaths... in the past three weeks. this neighborhoodd


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